Comfort vs Effort

clay being formed
Being Formed - Image: Quino Al

I am in love with the idea that here we are, these endlessly pliable creatures, ready to take the shape of whatever we repeatedly ask ourselves to become.

The change we can create with our bodies, for better or worse, points inwards to the possibility of what we can create in our lives.

Neglect your eating and your sleep and your body will reflect it.
Consistently choose comfort over effort and your body will reflect it.

Is it not the same with the rest of our lives?
Do our hearts and souls and minds not suffer from the same kinds of neglect; from worshiping comfort?

We are what we repeatedly do.
Is the whole of who we are then just a matter of our most habitual choices?
What we most consistently choose to do?
What we most consistently choose to believe?

Change your habits.
Change your mind.
Change your life.

Do Learn Grow ©2024 emilie hester